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How to stop drinking caffeine?

So, I drink way too much caffeine and I need to stop, the problem is, if I ever go a day without drinking any, I get a horrible migraine and feel awful all day long. Is there any way to help curb this without taking like aspirin or anything? (I don’t really like taking those)

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14 Answers

Classic symptoms of caffeine withdrawal and addiction. Just slowly reduce your intake until you cut yourself completely off or get to a level you want to be at. It will be unpleasant at first as your body adjusts to not getting it.

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One word answer: ‘STOP’

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I cut coffee 10 years ago after I spent $200 at starbucks in one week. I got the migraines, I was irritated, I felt like I couldn’t wake up, and I couldn’t concentrate. After a while I was able to be back to normal.

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switch to decaf and drink more tea

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The same thing happens to me, because I drink a lot of coffee. My advice is to cut back little by little. Don’t stop cold turkey. You definitely have caffeine addiction.

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You’re probably going to have to wean yourself off of it, that way you can avoid the caffeine withdrawals.

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drink more water or a flavored beverage. the more water you drink the easier it is to avoid excessive caffeine.

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Aspirin is not addictive and it’s got a long safe use history. Use it in moderation.

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Keep away from it, don’t buy it, don’t drink it, don’t even think about it.

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Drink lots of water when you quit. As with an alcohol hangover, the biggest cause of caffeine with drawl symptoms is dehydration. When i quit sodas i basically quit cold turkey but drank tons of water and never got one headache.

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Switch slowly and drink half caffeinated coffee half decaf decrease to a couple cups a day and drink lots of water then switch to all decaf after a week then be done with it all together after another week.

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Drink lots of water. Get yourself a replacement drink, it could be water, carbonated water, juice, decaf (decaf still contains some caffeine!) – just something to get when the urge for a cup sneaks in. Kicking the caffeine habit can be incredibly difficult, but well worth your while. Your sleep will be longer and of higher quality, and your overall health will improve.

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Switch to tea

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Well you won’t stop drinking caffeine form one day to another try drinking less coffe everyday and just don’t think about it . Drinking more water will help.

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