I haven’t smoked weed in 5 months and I just did 2 hits last night. I’m 5’9″ and weight 163 pounds. How long will thc stay in my system if i drink a… load of water? Maybe a week or couple days? At the end of the month, I will need to pass a drug-screening test. Someone please help me out here.
4 Answers
Cannabis is unique in that it is stored in the fatty tissues and released slowly into your bloodstream before you get rid of it from your body. The length of time it stays in your system depends on many things, but in general it may be found in urine for 1-5 days after occasional use and up to 6 weeks if you’re a regular, long-term user.
For the majority of people, THC stays in their systems and can be detected by:
- blood drug test – up to 2 days;
- saliva drug test – 1 to 10 days;
- urine drug test – 2 days to 11 weeks;
- hair drug test – up to 90 days.
For urine, saliva and blood test, marijuana (THC) can be detected from 2 hours to 8 days. For hair sample or nail clippings from 90 to 180 days.
Factors affecting levels of retention:
– Usage level;
– Your weight and age;
– Metabolism;
– Route of administration (oral, injection, inhalation);
– Level of physical activity.
Marijuana/Cannabinoids (THC) Detection Time:
- 1 time use only 5-8 days
- 2-4x per month 11-18 days
- 2-4x per week 23-35 days
- 5-6x per week 33-48 days
- Daily 49-63 days
Most state drug courts have used 30 days as the cleanout rate for cannabinoids/THC.