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At what age should males shave their armpits?

I shaved mine at 16, so it wouldn’t smell.

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19 Answers

I’ve never shaved my armpits in my life. A good antiperspirant and a proper diet will keep your body odor down. Shaving won’t do a thing. Eat right and you’ll see a difference.

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Juts use soap and water and an antiperspirants.
Your armpit hair does not CAUSE smell
Lack of hygiene does

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Smell? There’s deodorant to prevent that.

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Most guys don’t shave their pits they just keep them clean and use an antiperspirant deodorant as needed.

Not that it is a bad thing that you shaved yours, it just might get you some teasing or funny looks from others is all.

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I’m an adult and I’ve never shaved mine. The hair length stays constant due to ordinary breakage.

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Well you see guys don’t usually walk around wearing shirts that would expose our armpits so we don’t really have to worry about that. If you’re going swimming on the other hand, well, that’s a different story.

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Whenever it turns into a unmanageable jungle.

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It is a personal choice and you shouldn’t feel pressured to do it because everyone else is doing it. Girls have already gone too far with their ’embarrassing body image’ to shave everything. If you need to do it for athletic reasons, go ahead. If you have so much or so dark that you feel uncomfortable, do what you think you need to do. Try it once and see if you want to keep doing it. Remember, you can stop at any time.

Btw, it’s not the ‘hair’ that causes the odor, it’s the bacteria in the sweat. You use a “deodorant” to handle the smell, and an “antiperspirant” to deal with the sweat. Read your labels. If you don’t feel “fresh” after phys ed or sports, use a wet wipe for a quick fix.

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Whatever age you feel like.. For some men they never shave, others shave often. And if you clean your armpits well, maybe put some baking soda on them, they won’t smell as bad, though deodorant kind of stops working after a certain amount of hair is present.

And before people start telling you “Men shouldn’t shave their armpits!” I’m a girl and only shave mine like once a month. So it really doesn’t matter. Just do what YOU are comfortable with, not what society tells you you must be comfortable with

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I started shaving mine at 16 for the same reason.
Even washing 3x a day and using antiperspirants and deodorants didn’t work for me.
In my 20’s, I found out it was partly my diet as well.

Now, it’s mostly because the women I go out with think guys’ hairy pits and chests are “gross”. 😉

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Never unless your into body building shows or sonething. Shaving doesnt stop pit sweat so its not going to stop smell. Thats what DEODORANT/ANTIPERSPIRANT is for.

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I don’t know too many GUYS that shave their armpits. If you use deodorant you won’t smell!

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I’m 77 and haven’t done it yet. I’ll let you know when I’m older.

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If your pit hair was the cause of BO, then women would have no use for deodorant. As there is an entire aisle in the store specifically for female deodorant…..obviously pit hair has nothing to do with BO.

Unless you are an Olympic swimmer or something similar, men do not shave their pits…..unless they are really into having no body hair. That is fine if that is what you are into.

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Guys shaving the underarm is a growing trend. Usually it’s younger guys or sports related. I fully advocate this trend and believe it will become just as common for men as it is for women. So shave in good health knowing you are setting a new standard.

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Never, and shaving doesn’t stop the smell, not sweating does.

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at no age. buy some old spice 16 hour protection body wash and buy pure sport old spice deodorant. use daily. don’t shave unless you’re a male model or body builder.

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better to shave after each 40 days

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Well you see guys don’t usually walk around wearing shirts that would expose our armpits so we don’t really have to worry about that.

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