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How to quickly sober up from weed?

How do I sober up fast from being high after smoking marijuana or any other drugs?

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5 Answers

Have a warm bath, it will quickly release toxins from the body. Easiest way.

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If you want to sober up quickly, what is the point in taking them?

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A couple things to help sober up would be:

  • Take a hot bath/shower.
  • Try to take a nap for a least 30 minuets.
  • Eat foods with a lot of starch.
  • Drink a lot of water and Gatorade (or something with electrolytes).

Those few things are the best ways to do it!

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Drink milk or grab anything you can eat, munch, move your body. Pretend to be sober til’ you make it. Lol

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I personally find taking a shower helps sober me up. You also can eat some food and get some beverages into you helps you sober up faster.

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