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I took 2 extenze pills

Hey everyone. Earlier today, I impulsively took two Extenze pills instead of the recommended one. Has anyone ever done this before? I’m a bit concerned about potential side effects and wanted to hear from others’ experiences. If you’ve ever taken more than the recommended dose or know someone who has, please share your insights. Also, if there’s any medical advice or precautions I should take now, I’d appreciate it. Thanks in advance for your help!

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1 Answer

Hey there, Edward John,

I’m not a medical professional, but I had a similar experience a while back. Took two Extenze pills on a day I was feeling a little adventurous. I personally didn’t notice any significant side effects, but everyone’s body is different. Just felt a bit jittery and had a slightly faster heart rate for a few hours.

That being said, just because I didn’t have a severe reaction doesn’t mean it’s safe. Always best to stick to the recommended dose. If you’re feeling off or worried about any potential side effects, it would be a good idea to reach out to a healthcare professional or even just call a local pharmacy and ask for advice. They can usually provide some general information on over-the-counter products.

And remember, always be cautious with supplements. They aren’t regulated in the same way as prescription medications, so effects can vary. Stay safe and take care!

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