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Does baking soda help heartburn?

Does the baking soda with water really work for heartburn?

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6 Answers

I don’t know about that but i was told that when you have heartburn and no medication around or tums just eat salted crackers and drink water.

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Baking soda can be used to relieve heartburn and several other stomach ailments by neutralizing stomach acid. If you are on a sodium restricted diet or take certain medications, do not attempt this remedy. Consult with your doctor first.

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I know it’s counter-intuitive, but I’ve found that the best cure for that is apple cider VINEGAR. Try it. You’ll be surprised. I generally cut it from 5% to 2.5% with water.

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Try it and see.

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Yes, I use it from time to time.

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I found it worked for around a month but then i got immune to the affects and it was no longer working for me, now though for that month it was super.

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