In: Diseases | March 26, 2015
In: Dental | January 16, 2015
Question: What could be the cause for one not to have feelings in all four extremities? | January 17, 2016
Maybe the drug itself doesn’t kill you, but the things it does to you definitely do.
Question: Why is marihuana illegal in most places, but there has been almost no recorded deaths from its use? | April 12, 2015
There is a shampoo called cell therapy shampoo. Its expensive but definitely worth the money
Question: What is the best treatment for baldness? | April 6, 2015
That’s the height I want my girlfriend to be
Question: Am I too tall for a girl? | April 6, 2015
See a dermatologist. They love prescribing things that work.
Question: How do you get really nice skin? | April 1, 2015
Use low weight, but keep it challenging. Instead of doing one motion (Like curls for example) change your arm position so it’s at different angles and positions with respect to your body throughout your reps. This will work different parts of your primary muscles, and different secondary muscles that are underneath the larger ones.
Question: How can you get definition without building too much muscle? | March 29, 2015
Yes take a nice bath Bd then eat chicken noodle soup with lots of garlic. Garlic is a good old trick to get you better faster.
Question: Will it be alright to get a bath if you have a cold? | March 26, 2015
Only weirdos wear band aids? I cut myself on a broken shelf in my garage and have a band aid on as I type this, what makes that weird?
Question: Does wearing a bandaid make you look gross? | March 19, 2015
I’ve never shaved my armpits in my life. A good antiperspirant and a proper diet will keep your body odor down. Shaving won’t do a thing. Eat right and you’ll see a difference.
Question: At what age should males shave their armpits? | March 2, 2015
Only three things are known for sure about acne: 1. Only humans get it. 2. The only cure is to outgrow it. 3. #2 is not very reliable.
Question: Is there any answer for acne? | March 1, 2015
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