7 Answers
no, there is not but you can keep it under control by making sure your face is clean and change your pillow case ounce a week so there is no bacteria collecting on your pillow then when you sleep it’s like the perfect storm for pimples. I know acne sucks!!!!
See a dermatologist. Keeping your face clean is good, but also keeping it moisturized is key. Too little moisture forces your pores to create more oils which will be more prone to catching dirt, resulting in acne. Too much moisture creates a similar effect. Try to find a balance somewhere in between and REMEMBER: Consistency is Best. Your acne will not clear up in one day. Give it at least two weeks!
Wash your face twice a day, everyday, but no more than that. Try and find out if certain foods break you out, ie nuts or dairy. Drink lots of water, if you wear makeup, clean your brushes and use good products, keep your hands and hair off of your face, and talk to a doctor if it’s super severe and nothing’s working.
Only three things are known for sure about acne:
1. Only humans get it.
2. The only cure is to outgrow it.
3. #2 is not very reliable.