In: Women's Health | April 6, 2015
In: Diseases | January 21, 2015
Erectile dysfunction can be a real problem for aging men.
There are ways to help this. Your doctor can recommend different natural ways to help if you don’t like drugs.
Question: Has it become all but impossible to get it up without Viagra or Cialis | March 28, 2018
Anything that affects the vascular system like ED medication has to be prescribed by a doctor. Other pills are just scams that exist to dupe insecure guys out of their money.
Question: Best over the counter erection pills that work | March 12, 2018
It depends on what part of your body is need an attention you can use antiperspirant in specific area needed, Choose fabric that makes you comfortable and can absorb sweat, select the right color, Purchase “breathable” shoes for sweaty feet and skip spicy foods.
Question: Excessive sweating | November 30, 2017
stop obsessing over your penis size.. it doesnt truly matter, unless you wanna be a porn star.. besides that you have a few more years of growth!
Question: How big is the normal-size penis? | August 24, 2016
we cannot help you with this it sounds very serious you should go to the emergency room
Question: My period is brown and very abnormal, what might be causing this? What should I do next? | May 25, 2015
could def be a side effect some women are sensitive to the hormones and can have nausea or stomach cramps. Speak to your Dr about this there are tons of options out there and they likely switch you until they find something that won’t do this
Question: Are there any side effects to birth control? | April 8, 2015
Vaseline is amazing, it has no weird chemicals, scents or colours and can be applied frequently without any damage being done to the lips. This can also be used for dry skin elsewhere.
Question: What can i use for dry lips? | April 6, 2015
Honey it’s no picnic, but as you say you want to know it’s. like a surprise that sneaks up when you don’t expect it. Your really not missing out in anything but I guess the conversation you feel left out of. Many some girls might say your lucky not getting it. It doesn’t make you less of a girl entering womahood your body is preparing you for the right moment. Just make yourself a small package of pads with wipes and keep it in your locker for it may happen at school, then you be ready if it happens. I was a late bloomer it didn’t come until I was 13 which I considered late and didn’t realize until it was too late and cramps. So be patient with yourself the day before I got mind I had the taste for Hershey chocolate bar next day I got it. So every month like clock work that chocolate bar was my sign of getting it everytime as I had a taste for one. Take it easy on yourself it will come no one can tell you when it will come.
Question: When do I get my period? | April 3, 2015
don’t get near a tanning booth and the scars are unremovable. but the acne is cure able. wash your face with a rough rag cloth. it will remove dry,dead skin and dirt from your pores
Question: How do you get really nice skin? | April 1, 2015
Look, starving won’t help in the long run. Will you starve your whole life to keep the shape? No, you won’t. You can’t. I developed anorexia as a result of stress and obsessive tendencies. I was so stressed from pressure out on me at school that the only thing I could control was my weight. I wanted that to be perfect, so I ate less and less and ended up losing about 15 pounds. I started at 105 and ended up around 90, and on a small frame, you see every pound gained or lost. It controlled my life and I was never happy. I just wanted to eat something, but that would be losing control. Please don’t start that. It ruins your life. I got help and learned better ways to deal with pressure. If you do want to lose weight, go on the paleo diet or go vegetarian/minimal meat (meat 2x a week) and only eat whole foods, nothing from a package. Come up with an exercise program, like walking or yoga. Be for and beautiful, not a walking skeleton.
Question: How to starve? | March 29, 2015
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