In: Allergies | 2015-01-15
Read this book:
“Extraordinary Sex Now: A Couple’s Guide to Intimacy” by Dr. Sandra R. Scantling
Question: I am ashamed of my small penis. What can I do? | 2019-02-04
Doctors will use a sphygmomanometer and stethoscope to check blood pressure. But nowadays more people choose to have home digital blood pressure monitor to measure themselves.
Question: What instrument is used to measure blood pressure? | 2017-07-26
I know this might sound strange, but how about asking the DOCTOR who prescribes the drug? But why ask an expert when you can get questionable information that could possibly kill you right here?
Question: I've been on a daily dose of Budeprion for several... | 2017-07-09
I agree with you. I certainly would not put steroids into my eyes unless a doc was in charge.
My point in mentioning other ocular antihistamines was that another prep might be cheaper than a brand name.
I use a boric acid solution that I prepare myself. My ocular allergies are of minimal irritant value.
Question: What is the solution for severe itching in the eye? | 2016-04-30
If your English is good enuf that you have unilateral ocular itching, I am here to tell you that it is not a seasonal allergy.
Therefore, you should see a doc.
If both eyes are involved, try some of the suggestions that you have received.
Zaditor is an antihistamine prep. It is no better or worse that other ones out there. I suspect that it is much more expensive.
Diabetic neuropathy
Question: What could be the cause for one not to have feelings in all four extremities? | 2016-01-17
How does stress affect diabetes? Look animated exploration:
Question: Effects of stress on sugar diabetes | 2015-07-16
You have an infection. Talk to your doctor stat.
Question: My period is brown and very abnormal, what might be causing this? What should I do next? | 2015-05-25
Ask your doctor, even if some say work through it, some back problems could end ALL of your sport pursuits if they are serious enough, so get checked out and cleared by your doctor as soon as possible.
Question: I'm having really bad back problems, it hurts in the lower left side, does anyone know any solutions to this? | 2015-05-21
Ignore them and the go away.. Permanently
Question: What will happen if someone doesn't brush their teeth for a while? | 2015-04-14
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