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I’ve been on a daily dose of Budeprion for several…

I’ve been on a daily dose of Budeprion for several years. 300 mg of a time release dosage. I want to get off the drug. How often do I reduce the dosage? Once a week, every two weeks etc.. How many MGs each time?

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7 Answers

I know this might sound strange, but how about asking the DOCTOR who prescribes the drug? But why ask an expert when you can get questionable information that could possibly kill you right here?

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Well, yes indeed, it does sound strange. It is far too logical.

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Do not stop using the medications without first talking to your doctor who prescribes the drugs.

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Budeprion is an anti-depressant, which may also be used for ADHD, or stopping smoking. Stopping it may have serious mental effects. Even changing the dose may cause anxiety, agitation, restlessness, panic attacks, suicidal thoughts. You need to talk to your doctor about changing the dose gradually.

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I would advise that your doctor will be the right person to answer this.

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In case that you don’t want to do that, cut down the dose by 50 mg every two weeks.

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