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My period is brown and very abnormal, what might be causing this? What should I do next?

I’m 18 years old, been having an extremely regular period since the age of 11. It was always about 6 days long. At the age of 16 I began taking birth control in order to shorten that and help with some acne I had been having. My period became shorter, but was regular and healthy for the next 2 years. This ‘period’ started a week early, and is almost at 8 days. It’s a very slow, brown blood ooze, as it’s not fast flowing or particularly heavy.

There is no possibility of pregnancy, and I am a virgin, although I have used a vibrator before.

I’m not sure what to do next? What could be causing this?

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8 Answers

You have an infection. Talk to your doctor stat.

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Have a checkup most likely your doctor can confirm all your answers. Why periods are short for some, why heavy bleeding is also, why you itch at times, why you might have a foul odor,why your period is browness at time or could you be pregnant if you missed your period. If not ask your mom who all those questions that might come about if you don’t want to visit your doctor. Remember your mom is you best friend for those simple answers she went thru all this herself.

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You should prob see a doctor about that

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we cannot help you with this it sounds very serious you should go to the emergency room

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you could have an infection

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Have you had your hormones checked? I have hormone problems and when I was put on birth control it actually did not help me because I had progesterone deficiency and most birth control lowers progesterone levels.

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birth control pills give you blood clots…get off off them for one.

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Call your gynecologist, or primary care doctor if you don’t have one. Or go to an Urgent Care clinic, or a Planned Parenthood.

How do you feel otherwise? Have you been sick, or nauseated? Do you have a fever? Have you had cramps for all this time? You should definitely get checked out, but it’s not automatically something awful.

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