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What will happen if someone doesn’t brush their teeth for a while?

I don’t know. I’m just wondering

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7 Answers

Infection and erosion of the surface of the teeth and gums by the proliferating bacteria, otherwise known as “cavities.” Bad breath. Depending on for how long, possible stomachache or quesy tummy and possible diarrhea (or even just increase in frequency of bowel movements). Possible pain in other parts of the body. Future susceptibility to oral infections and above systems, and faster than previously.

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they will turn yellowish or red and breath will smell bad you probably wont get a cavity

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Your mouth will be more bacteria cells than human cells.

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Get lots of cavaties and really yellow teeth.

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They won’t be able to get a girlfriend/ boyfriend, that’s what. And on a more serious note, there will be a lot of plaque buildup which I personally think is gross.

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You can end up with gum disease and it can even cause you to have other health issues. The plaque on your teeth is the same stuff that builds up in your arteries.

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Ignore them and the go away.. Permanently

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