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Should I get a root canal or just pull the tooth?

i’m 14 and my 12 year molar on the top has a big hunk of decay in it. My dad had the same thing happen when he was my age so it’s not my fault, but I still feel super stupid that I didn’t go to the dentist sooner. Anyway I have to get a root canal or get it pulled and I don’t know what to do? I have a day to decide so I’m Googling everything!!! has anyone been in the same situation and if so can you leave some info on what I should do. Thanks

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8 Answers

Always save the tooth if possible. Your dentist must have an opinion.
Btw, dental decay isn’t really genetic, you might have ” softer” teeth that tend to have issues however it can be prevented with proper dental care and regular dental checkups so tooth decay isn’t your dad’s fault.

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Well both hurt like hell so I opt for the cheapest one

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Well if it’s not loose I feel sorry for you if you pull it!!

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Root canals aren’t that bad. Save the tooth.

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if you can afford it save the tooth cus if you pull it all the teeth find a way to start moving because of the space and then it a new set of problems youll have to deal with.

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I had a root canal. I know people aren’t going to believe this, but it didn’t hurt as much as a filling! I only had Novocaine. The only real pain I had was that my jaw ached for awhile because I had to hold my mouth open for so long. But that’s all the pain I remember. If you need a root canal, you really can’t get around that because you have to get out all of the bad stuff. You want to keep your teeth because dentures, even partials are a pain in the ____! Even though this was heredity, you should brush twice a day. I read recently that you should rinse your mouth with Listerine after you floss! Flossing prevents more than tooth decay! It prevents heart disease & all sorts of stuff! You can google that and find out. Remember, if you ignore your teeth, the WILL go away!

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despite what another user said they don’t hurt like heck…..any good dentist will properly numb the area to do there work…so more then likely it will be more like of a swelling and discomfort and soreness
i myself would depending on how badly rotted the tooth was and which tooth it was…. id get it pulled..
this is something you need to talk over with your dentist though….and see what’s best for you. .
keep in mind having a decaying tooth in your mouth will bring other issues including bad bad breath..
P.S. i agree with everyone about try to save the tooth.

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Is it a permanent tooth if so root canal if it is a baby tooth I would get it pulled

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