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Vicodin question

I got a prescription from the dental for my wisdoms, vicodin of 750 mg; is that pretty strong for vicodin? not sure if i want to take it.

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4 Answers

If you can stand the pain don’t take them. If you can’t handle the pain take as little as possible without exceeding the recommended dosage.

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750 mg must be a very strong pill then?

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The dentist gave you the medication he deemed appropriate. As williamjohn said, if the pain isn’t unbearable, don’t take them.

If you have questions regarding the dosage, you should talk to your dentist about it.

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Yes, that is a very strong dose; the normal is 500 mg. Vicodin has a lot of side effects, including drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, headache, and constipation; if you don’t need to take it, I wouldn’t. If the pain is unbearable, though, take it with extreme caution.

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