In: Diabetes | October 10, 2015
In: Diseases | April 1, 2015
I think you’re on the right track. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. I’ve never been a germaphobe and am very cynical of people who are. It doesn’t bother me to get dirty either. I do, however, observe certain traditions. I keep my dishes clean; dirty dishes are a known cause of dysentery. And I cover my my face when I sneeze or cough so germophobes don’t freak out on me. And I don’t smoke or drink or drug; all that contributes to my physical and mental well-being. I’m very selective over what prescribed medications I consume, even to the point of not even bothering to get the prescriptions filled on some of them, because I just don’t need that garbage in my life. I’m well-aware that most medications will kill you quicker than the ailments they are intended to cure. I don’t blame you about the cat. I’m not a cat person. I can’t stand the smell of the stinking things; it’s like the smell of cat feces and cat litter are unique to them. I don’t subject myself to their stench by allowing them in my life. So I would stay rid of the cat if I were you. Other than wanting your cat back in your life, you’re doing okay.
Question: How do I overcome Germaphobia once and for all? | December 27, 2017
The larger the text on a computer monitor, the easier it is to see. A larger computer monitor will allow larger text to be displayed. This makes it easier for the user to read the text, thereby resulting in less eye strain. Generally speaking, a larger computer monitor is easier on the eyes.
Question: Which is better on the eyes: a big or small computer monitor? | October 16, 2016
I had herpes for 5 years of my life. I was afraid to spread cold sores to my girlfriend, I was using a lot of drugs and creams for cold sores. But only Valtrex gave me real results. Thanks to it, heal my herpes in just 2 weeks I have seen improvements in my body. I no have cold sores outbreaks more than a year. I am very pleased and happy.
Question: How to get rid of herpes on lip forever? | July 30, 2015
In my experience Viagra takes about an hour for full effect.
Levitra and Cialis is the working faster for me, I can be ready to go in 15-20 minutes after a does of that stuff.
Question: How long does it take for viagra to work after you take it? | July 4, 2015
life is a book yesterday’s. page is finished you can’t change it. do something. for tomorrow’s. page that you can be proud of
Question: How can I stop regretting past situations I've been in? | May 25, 2015
depends on how hard your doing them
Question: Do squats, push ups, sit-ups, etc. count as being exercises/workouts? | April 12, 2015
Use a treadmill and set it to target heartrate. (180-170) for young people and holdit for a safe amount of time. 20 mins, then 30, and move up. Continuing this will let you hold it for longer and you will find you can go faster with the same heart rate. Also use some incline, it will keep you at safe speeds and add a little more work and less sprint.
Question: What are some exercises to build endurance | April 8, 2015
No you are not too tall for a girl.
Question: Am I too tall for a girl? | April 6, 2015
when you starve yourself your body thinks your going to die. it’s defense is to store all the fat that it can. starving yourself will not give you the results you are looking for and it is terrible for your health.
Question: How to starve? | March 29, 2015
Question: Can you get pregnant from someone grabbing you? | March 24, 2015
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