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Anyone know if diabetes affects the kidney?

I’m at high risk for it and I’m having back pain. Not sure what it is. My body may just hate me.

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4 Answers

My brother has it and it CAN affect every organ but mainly eyes and feet, not necessarily kidney.

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Kidneys is most commonly affected organ in diabetic patients. It causes microvascular changes in kidney. If not controlled renal failure may occur.

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Diabetes causes the kidneys to overwork and sometimes stop working properly/efficiently. The kidneys filter your blood and regulate the ions (salts, sugars, etc) in your blood. That’s why one of the first things they test when looking for diabetes is sugar in the urine. There should be zero sugar in urine when the kidneys are working properly.

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If you have diabetes, the small blood vessels in the body are injured. When the blood vessels in the kidney are injured, your kidneys can’t clean your blood properly.

About 30% of patients with Type 1 diabetes and 10%-40% of those with Type 2 diabetes eventually will suffer from kidney failure.

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