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What are a few good ways to make my hair grow longer?

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11 Answers

wow ask any science teacher you cannot accelerate hair growth. NOTHING speeds it

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Sorry, nothing can make hair grow faster.

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You can do some things. I’ve seen/heard
Egg whites
Vegetable oil
Honey at the roots
Brushing it activates root cells often
Oatmeal (maybe that’s a face scrub)
The Less you wash it or apply heat healthier it gets faster it grows
Google some remedies

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Just use the Ervamatin hair lotion for long hair growth and to control hair fall. By using this i got good result in my hair growth.

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Let it grow at the standard rate of about 1/2 inch per month.

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Nothing, just take care of it and it will grow 🙂 be patient and good luck!

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Be healthy. Eat plenty of vegetables, meat, eggs.

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Keeping it healthy. You might want to trim the bottoms so that it grows better if you have split ends there.

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last 2 months i used ervamatin hair oil. my hair fall problem is fully stoped.. thanks to ervamatin and suggested you to use ervamatin hair oil.

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Ervamatin hair oil is the best oil for hair growth.

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Foods rich in carotene and fatty acids (ALA in particular) MAY accelerate hair growth, also silicon supplements have been said to have an effect. Such things will most certainly optimize health of hair, skin, and fingernails, as for rate of growth, results may vary from person to person. Genetics plays the strongest role. It is unlikely that topical treatments will have any impact. Follicles get their nutrients from blood vessels, not from the surface of the scalp.

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