In: Other | 2015-03-24
In: Other | 2015-01-07
All wonderful questions that YOUR DOCTOR can answer. Don’t depend on strangers for medical advice. Take care of your body.
Question: I stopped taking birth control pills.. I didn't like the side effects or how it made me feel.. | 2018-03-26
Best way for kids over 3 is suck a hard candy. Yawning or holding your nose and blowing helps too cool.
Question: What is the best way in which to help cope with ... | 2017-06-07
I get herpes a couple of times in a year. My father always told me to use milk of magnesia what you do is you grab a clean Q-tip and put it on the herpes and leave it alone it dries it out.
Question: How to get rid of herpes on lip forever? | 2015-07-30
I’m assuming that this is Azithromycin . The answer in a definitive NO. The antibiotics is prescription only and prescribing it is discouraged in the USA because currently there are few bacteria resistant to the drug. By restricting prescriptions, the hope is that it can be used when a major outbreak of an antibiotic resistant bacterial infection occurs.
Question: I'm looking to buy Zithromax over the counter at using AMEX | 2015-05-22
Sounds like you’re just not sleeping at the right time. Since you know about what time of the day you fall asleep, try staying busy during that time. Go for a walk, talk to some friends, do some crafts. Whatever you have to do until you’re ready to actually go to bed at night.
Question: How can I remain awake the entire day with out falling asleep? | 2015-04-12
if hes not complaining take him to the doctors just to be sure. dont leave the subject.
Question: My son hurt his cheek running into a table should I take him to the hospital? | 2015-04-08
Put Vaseline patrolium jelly on your lips before you go to bed.
Question: What can i use for dry lips? | 2015-04-06
lavender essential oils or room spray, melatonin, warm bath before bed, no stimuli 20 min before you want to try and start falling asleep.
Question: What are good ways to fall asleep at night? | 2015-04-06
Umm I wouldn’t think so unless the meds make you drowsy. One of the girls at my rink broke her arm snowboarding and she skated with a cast on (she’s landing double rotation jumps) it threw her off balance a tiny bit but a broken finger won’t affect you being able to run.
Question: Is a fractured finger a valid reason for not exercising like running etc? | 2015-04-06
It’s different for everyone some people get it when they’re 11 some when they’re 14
Question: When do I get my period? | 2015-04-03
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