okay so I wake up at 5 am everyday. I go to work 7-4 everyday. as soon as I get home I eat something then out of no where I fall asleep until 8 or so it’s getting to the point that I have no energy and I can’t stay up anymore. I never had this problem. I’m also skipping the gym because I fall asleep. I need serious help because I’m getting nothing done anymore.. I want tips on how I can stay up or foods or just something. I don’t know what’s wrong with me or if this is normal
8 Answers
You need to energize your body after work, like I do I jog 2 miles a day after work it makes me feel full of energy and I can stay awake, plus running sorta heals foot pain which is one of the reasons I started running Cuz work made my feet sore.
I’m sure there are other methods o stay awake but fresh outdoor excercise is one of the best 🙂
Sounds like you’re just not sleeping at the right time. Since you know about what time of the day you fall asleep, try staying busy during that time. Go for a walk, talk to some friends, do some crafts. Whatever you have to do until you’re ready to actually go to bed at night.
Try to drink some coffee in the morning to wake you up and if that doesn’t work try five hour energy.
It could be lack of iron , I had the same problem and my doctor told me it was iron, just eat red meat and lots of veggies with iron in them
Your nutrition is out of whack. You need to read some books and learn how to eat right. For a test, take nutritional yeast powder and see what that does for you. My second guess is that you slouch when you sit. You should roll your hips forward so that your spine is straightened, commonly called “sit up straight”. That makes your organs hang in their natural positions instead of piling over each other. You will notice an immediate improvement in breathing and alertness. It is likely that you are deficient in magnesium, causing weakness so you prefer to slouch. Magnesium strengthens muscles, calms nerves, stops cramps, and fights infections. Get epsom salt. It is cheap, five bux for a year’s supply. Put a dose in a glass with water to cover and stir until it dissolves. Fill the glass with lemonade and drink it. You can take it without the lemonade but you won’t like the taste. Milk of magnesia is more expensive but nicer tasting and gentler laxative action. Your choice.