My best friend is suicidal. He told me not too long ago that he’s been depressed for a long time. He had been getting better but then he got back with his ex girlfriend and they had a messy breakup and she accused him of rape and now he’s slung back into depression. He almost killed himself tonight but his parents got home right before he did. I’m the only one who knows the magnitude of his problem. How do I help him?
6 Answers
I’m sorry. :,( I do not know how to answer that. But please note that we all feel for you, and tell your friend to hold on.
I had an old friend that was also depressed, he took to pills and razors. He’d also had a rough childhood, he witnessed his sister get raped by her dads mate.He recently started seeing his school based nurse and now attends half an hour sessions where he just talks about his problems. It’s helped him a lot. I’ve learnt that you can’t help someone who won’t help themselves. He needs help, preferably professional help. Just talk to him about it, let him know there’s help, let him know you’re concerned and most importantly let him know he’s loved.
Keep him occupied or active. Talk to his parents and form a support network but do not be secretive towards him. Treat him as normal.. the way you would want to be treated. Just like anyone else.
Invite him out… invite him out again.. visit him and invite him out. Visit him and hang out. Don’t get frustrated at him. Visit him and hang out. Invite him out.
Text him… tell him you can’t decide which shoes to wear and anything else irrelevant to spark his mind to open up normally.
Absorb everything when he pushes you away and slowly pull him in.
Shine… be a warm shining light in his life. Be a friend.
The first line of defense against depression and anxiety is B vitamins. Get nutritional yeast powder and/or B-100 pills. Read some books about nutrition so you know how to eat right. Your friend needs immediate professional help. Any minister knows what to do, or any school counselor, or dial 211.
If you are a real friend, then you realize that this is WAY ABOVE your pay grade You tell his parents, your parents, a counselor at school, call the police, ANYONE and EVERYONE who could possibly help.