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What good meds for fibromyalgia?

I was recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. I have already tried Lyrica, which I had to get off of within the first three days due to the side effects. I was having worse anxiety, terrible depression, confusion, blurred vision, the works. My doctor is now switching me to Neurontin, since the Lyrica did help a bit.

To those out there with Fibromyalgia, what meds worked best for you?

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5 Answers

Frankly, there aren’t any. I take hydrocodone for the pain. Cyclobenzaprine helps sometimes. Tramadol helped for a while but it kind of wore off and I really disliked the side effects. The best you can do, really, is find a combination of meds that deals with the pain and such enough to allow you to function and do what you have to do. Though those sharp sudden pains like someone sticking a needle in you, I haven’t found anything to help those, fortunately, they don’t happen often or last for long.

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“Fibromyalgia” doesn’t actually exist. Vague body aches and pains are psychsomatic expressions of guilt.

Until you man up to what you have done wrong, you are going to suffer. The excuse for wrongdoing would not matter: it only matters that you said it and then someone did it.

That makes you guilty.

Until you man up to it, you will suffer.

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You sir, are an idiot. I have no guilt. None. Any wrongs I have done to others have been long ago apologized for and resolved. It’s kind of a part of my life, to make sure I make up for any wrongs I have done. I am a man at peace and happy, despite my disabilities and illnesses. Fibro is a neurological disease with specific symptoms and is quite easily tested for medically. I strongly suspect it has to do with chemicals which pollute our systems. Every person I have spoken with who suffers from Chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia has, at some time in their lives, been exposed to large amounts of insecticides or pesticides. In my case, it was growing up on a farm and being exposed to massive doses of DDT and parathion and such when I and my sis walked behind the spray machine spraying the weeds and trees and such. In most cases, the condition stays hidden in the system until the patient suffers some kind of serious respiratory illness which appears to somehow trigger the condition to go out of control.

I suggest you learn what you’re talking about before you start spewing your uninformed opinions about. Those of us who suffer from this illness are in the millions, and the condition is growing more prevalent, worldwide. It has been known since the 30s and 40s as a myalgic disease. And believe me, the day you get up in the morning and your leg gives out on you and you fall down and can barely walk due to pain, you’ll know beyond doubt there’s nothing psychological about it. This has been a common misperception for far too long, caused by the fact that CFID and fibro sufferers are commonly depressed. Well hell yes. You’s be depressed to if you were chronically exhausted and in pretty severe pain. Some of us learn to overcome that depression and be happy. Like me. Others don’t and live in misery. but the depression is a symptom, not a cause. And guilt has NEVER entered into it.

Do investigate this. Learn as much as you can about the condition. I actively encourage people to learn about it. Because, the truth is, sooner or later, one or more people who are in your family or who you are close to, are going to suffer from this chronic illness. Or already do. And a person who is informed and understands the problems can offer a great deal of support to a person who lives with these illnesses.

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And by the way, these aren’t “vague aches and pains”. They are very definite pains, located in specific areas, though they do attack different parts of the body at different times. When you stand up and it feels like your tendon has ripped away from the joint, that’s not vague. That makes you fall down.

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Fibromyalgia is a real disease that many crocks pretend to have.

It can be quite incapacitating.

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