I see cbd oil is generally far more expensive, and I also see the dosages tend to be far lower. Is CBD that much more effective than hemp oil?
7 Answers
Great question, Edward 🙂
A lot of people are wondering about this difference so you are not the only one.
The difference is very simple.
Hemp oil – is a food product made from pressed hemp seeds. It’s a highly nutritious food and people like to use it for its taste and reported health benefits. It does not contain any substantial amount of CBD or cannabinoids.
CBD (hemp) oil – is an oil based supplement which contains the cannabinoid, CBD as it’s primary ingredient. CBD oil can be made from both hemp and marijuana. CBD oil is used for therapeutic purposes to alleviate pain, anxiety, and insomnia.
CBD oil is often made as a concentrate inside a carrier liquid. This carrier liquid can be alcohol, olive oil, and sometimes, yes, hemp seed oil itself.
So again, hemp oil is a food and CBD oil is more of a medicine.
I hope that helps!
There is hemp seed oil, and oil from hemp that is extracted. The latter contains CBD.
Hemp seed oil does not contain CBD.
Some people call extract from hemp, containing CBD, “hemp oil”. This can create confusion.
Hemp oil vs CBD oil: What is the Difference?
Hemp seed OIL is pressed from hemp seeds and contains no CBD. CBD ‘oil’ (actually resin) is extracted from the flower tops & leaf materials. Cannabis source (ie: “hemp” or “marijuana”) makes no difference at all – the CBD molecules are identical.
Name only for all practical purposes. CBD is extracted from the hemp plant, If combined with the natural oils of the plant is is hemp CBD, if in another form or carried by say olive oil then it is not hemp CBD. Even this may not always be true. This is a new field and lot to be defined yet.
The important thing in either is the amount of CBD in the mix, not the mix so much.
Hemp seed contains around 30% oil by weight. The precious oil rich in essential fatty acids is extracted by cold pressing. While, the CBD oil can be extracted from cannabis or hemp. Natural Stress Solutions CBD oil is known for the generation odf the CBD oil. Hemp is the primary source for the extraction of the commercial CBD oil.