In: Women's Health | 2018-02-21
In: Diet & Fitness | 2017-11-01
There is hemp seed oil, and oil from hemp that is extracted. The latter contains CBD. Hemp seed oil does not contain CBD. Some people call extract from hemp, containing CBD, “hemp oil”. This can create confusion.
Question: What is the difference between cbd and hemp oil? | 2019-09-11
The egg was probably hard-boiled before you started using it, otherwise, your Kegel muscles would probably have crushed it. And no, for the love of all things holy, do not tell your dad!
Question: I have an embarrassing masturbation question? | 2019-01-21
I doubt that’s ever happened… although I have gotten a few creepy messages on this site and that is not a turn on.
Question: Women: Is it a turn on when a guy says he masturbated while thinking of you? | 2018-04-14
Well, When we do third base things, it always feels unimaginably good, but eventually, its so overwhelming and I can’t take it anymore and make him stop. I just can’t climax. I feel like I’ve tried everything.
Question: Why I can't orgasm? | 2018-02-22
Try the magic of white noise. Something like a rainy day or the sea noise. There are plenty of them on Youtube. Simply turn it on and you won’t even notice how you sleep through the night.
9 Hours of the Relaxing Sound of Rain
Question: How to cure insomnia and anxiety | 2017-12-14
Are you mainly talking about sweating under your armpits, and on the soles of your feet, and on your hands ? if so……just make sure you buy an antiperspirant that has Aluminum Zirconium in it. Apply it to where ever you sweat profusely when nervous…..even if it’s on the crack of your buttocks. Some people do sweat there quite a bit when nervous.
Question: Excessive sweating | 2017-11-30
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