So, it’s 3 a.m. in the morning and guess who is rolling from one side to another in a comfy bed? Yep, that’s me again. I went to bed early but it doesn’t work for me. Have you guys ever had experience of curing insomnia and anxiety? No counting sheep please.
5 Answers
I’ve been there. Once I had insomnia problems for a couple of months. I had a hard time in my life – it was after a breakup with my BF and a high season at work. So, I was deadly tired but could not make my body fall to sleep.
All you need is to relax. Do whatever brings you relaxation. Meditate, take a warm bath, drink milk. One more tip that really helped me is to command different parts of your body to relax. Make yourself comfortable in your bed and think of how your toes relax, then the rest of your foot fingers relax one by one. Then think of your ankle relaxing and so on and so forth, going up to your head. It did work for me. It’s worth trying.
Try the magic of white noise. Something like a rainy day or the sea noise. There are plenty of them on Youtube. Simply turn it on and you won’t even notice how you sleep through the night.
9 Hours of the Relaxing Sound of Rain
Though it is not meant for general insomnia, I would recommend melatonin. This supplement saved me when everything else failed. It’s synthetic analogue of a natural hormone melatonin produced by your body. No prescription is necessary. It helps your body relax and fall asleep. It’s been a popular sleep aid medication for three decades already. Despite some recent criticism, melatonin has minimum side effects and it really works.
1. Establish a consistent bedtime.
2. Limit the intake of beverages and foods that contain caffeine during the four hours prior to bed time. Drinks such as milk and water are much better for an insomniac.
3. Eat dinner at least two hours before go to bed. Large meals right before bedtime can cause lack of sleep. Similarly, avoid bedtime snacks.
4. Take walks at night just before bed to encourage fatigue. In some cases, you can suffer from insomnia because you haven’t done sufficient physical exercise to be exhausted.
5. Play soft classical music in the bedroom when your is trying to fall asleep. This will soothe the nerves and calm the mind, and can sometimes cure insomnia by itself. Alternatively, add some sort of rhythmic noise to the bedroom, such as a ceiling fan or metronome.
6. Lower the temperature. Turn down the thermostat or turn on a fan in the bedroom for added ventilation. When the body is cool, restful sleep is more likely.
If you smoke, avoid smoking around bedtime and when you wake up during the night Nicotine is a stimulant. Although smokers may experience a sense of relaxation, the overall effect of nicotine is similar to that of caffeine. The result is that smoking leads to arousal, which is detrimental to sleep (if combined with caffeine the effects of nicotine are particularly detrimental to sleep).
Be careful with alcohol at bedtime. It may help you get to sleep, but it can also wake you up later in the night. Alcohol has a sedative effect on the mind and body. However, as the body eliminates the drug, these effects wear off, leading to periods of withdrawal (when we experience the opposite effects of the drug). If you have a sleep problem, then the best advice is to avoid alcohol for 4-6 hours before bedtime.
If you have a sleep problem, it is best if your bedroom looks relaxing rather than stimulating. If you are decorating, choose colours that are calm and soothing; avoid those that are stimulating or depressing. Keep your room tidy and make the bed in the morning rather than at bedtime; this will provide you with a sense of order and control in your life.