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Bad hair loss, can someone give me good solution?

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6 Answers

I can. I have lost my long hair twice. It was very scary, and made me feel even more stressed and depressed. The reason for losing hair are two reasons. Stress, and/or lack of nutrients in your diet. It can seem so simple to fix, but it really is a challenge. I’m assuming that you are stressed at the moment, as that is often part of lacking in nutrients, whether you are restricting nutrient intake or not. Before you can fix your emotional issues (which is so hard, I’m sorry you are experiencing that), the best thing that you can do is simply massage your scalp, using either coconut or virgin olive oil. Your scalp is most important at this time, and your nutrition. Massage as often as practical, and you can save years of growth for every hair. Good luck dear, recovering from the same thing myself, for the second time. Healthy fats, proteins, blood circulation, vegetables, REDUCE STRESS, MASSAGE YOUR HEAD, that’s the formula. Best of luck.

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My hair was really falling out especially when I washed it! I’m so glad using argan life products. I bought 3 bottle of argan life hair care products 2 months ago and I decided to buy three more again I can really tell the difference!

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Get your thyroid levels checked

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See your dermatologist.

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A hat.

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It depends on WHY you are losing hair. There are a few hair treatment options out there, a doctor would be better able to assist you in figuring out the right one.

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