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What type of drugs is best take for headache?

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7 Answers

Rest and take panadol and if it persist till after three days suspect malaria.

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Diclofenac, Syndol, ADCO-DOL, Panadol, Celebrex

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Sex is the best remedy for headaches.

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Rest and clean water.

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Panadol is the best.

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Ranking pills in the headache products category:

№1 – Tylenol
№2 – Excedrin
№3 – Advil

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Lavender oil a useful home remedy for headaches and migraine pain. It can be either inhaled or applied topically. 2 to 4 drops for every 2 to 3 cups of boiling water are recommended when inhaling lavender-oil vapors as a headache treatment.

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