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How to distinguish physical symptoms from anxiety?

I have an anxiety disorder and right now it’s acting up. At the same time, I have a fever and weakness in my arms, chest and lungs. I can’t tell if it’s real or just anxiety.

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4 Answers

Hi Rdewan…You’re questions as of late have me worried. I really think you need to talk to your parents and have them take you to a doctor. No one on Ask is capable of diagnosing you. Please don’t wait any longer, you need help

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Do you think it could be a combination of the two? Being ill can magnify the feelings of anxiety. It is just I haven’t heard of anyone running a fever from anxiety. I hope you feel better soon!

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no, I don’t think that’s anxiety. I think it’s when you’re really nervous in public or something

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Anxiety can cause real medical problems. I once saw a guy get an actual heart attack just because he saw his son’s cut foot. Anyone who tells you that anxiety is all in your head doesn’t know what they are talking about. Anxiety can cause heart attacks, seizures, strokes if neglected and allowed to exacerbate. You should take any symptom you have seriously regardless of if it is caused by anxiety or some other cause. And while I am not sure what a weakness in your chest might actually mean. If you have a fever you should take care of it. If you have chest pain or shortness of breath you should take care of that too. Whatever it is, you need to take care of it.

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