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What is the spiritual reason masturbation is considered a sin?

I’ve read where masturbation is healthy.. is it? I read where it helps prevent prostate cancer and boost the immune system, and relieves tension?

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11 Answers

Brian, you are right.
People who say that masturbation is a sin are either lying or unaware of modern views on a purely personal activity.

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There isn’t a spiritual reason. It was designed as a way to ensure the population growth of Christians. If you can’t masturbate, then you naturally want to “go forth and multiply”. But you have to be married to multiply in Christianity. This led to people having more children and thus raising more and more Christians. But now that the world is 7 billion people strong and more and more stupid people are allowed to exist, I say a little Masturbation won’t hurt anybody.

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Because someone put it in the bible.

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Medically, there are definitely benefits to masturbating in moderation. I can’t speak to the spiritual/religious take on it, but the facts are there to suggest that it’s healthy.

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It has its health benefits, but it’s not the healthiest thing you could do. I’ve not heard of it preventing cancer, but stranger things have been found to be true.. While there is no written reason why it’s a sin, I feel it has to do with the hedonistic nature behind th action, and also that stuff like that is supposed to be done with two people who love each other.

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something about the spilling of seed. but I don’t think its a sin. relax you won’t go to hell.

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It’s not a sin. The bible doesn’t mention it. It didn’t become a social issue until the industrial revolution when millions of people began living in the cramped conditions of an industrial society.

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Masturbation is not directly condemned in the Bible. Does this mean it is harmless? Absolutely not! It is an unclean habit. But since “uncleanness,” according to the Bible, is a term that allows for a wide range of degree of seriousness, masturbation is not to be classed with such serious sins as fornication or other types of gross sexual immorality.
(1 Corinthians 6:9,10) “Deaden, therefore, your body members,” urges the Bible, “as respects . . . sexual appetite.” (Colossians 3:5) This “sexual appetite” is not the new sexual sensations that most youths feel during puberty, of which there is no need to be ashamed. “Sexual appetite” exists when these feelings are intensified so that one loses control. Such sexual appetite has led to gross sexual immorality, as described by Paul at Romans 1:26, 27. Though masturbation may cause strong guilt feelings, sincere prayer for God’s forgiveness and hard work to resist the practice can give one a good conscience.

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it definetly releives tension that and a cold shower

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Spilling of the seed was the sin but it was in a time when the earth needed popuated. Lots of things are outdated & people seem to pick & choose what ones to follow. Most commit some of the 7 deadly sins & don’t follow the ten commands.

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It is medically beneficial. I don’t know about other religions, but it isn’t even mentioned in the Bible.

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