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Can you buy the abortion pill online?

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I want to buy RU-486 and Misoprostol together once.

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6 Answers

It is possible to buy the abortion pill online, but it is illegal to do so. The United States Food and Drug Administration has ruled that the abortion pill, Mifeprex, can only be legally distributed by doctors who meet certain criteria. The abortion pill cannot legally be sold in pharmacies either.

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Of course, you can buy everything on the internet.

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You can’t obtain the abortion pill, you can however get the morning after pill Ella prescribed online legally. You can take it for up to 5 days after unprotected sex (unlike plan b or next choice it does not lose it’s effectiveness the longer you wait)

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I hope not or a lot of unwanted pregnancies will be prevented as opposed to forcing mothers to carry their babies to term, no matter what their emotional, physical, medical and familial circumstances. Lets punish them all by denying them the opportunity to manage their own reproductive health for the sake of making a political point.

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Yes try womenonweb.org or safe2choose.org

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Can i buy abortion pill online without prescription and how much do you take?

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