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What to do too get rid of pimples

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6 Answers

wash your face when you wash up with a warm wash cloth and soap, rinse well
don’t touch your face with your hands
don’t pick
try a retail prevention product
try a light moisturizer wash if your face is dry and produces too much oil from being dry

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I suggest x-out. You would have to it every morning and night. Before school and bed.

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Proactive works like a charm

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To get rid of them? Honestly there are a lot of solution but some may not work for you, some dot work for me either don’t worry!
But a slice of lemon on them
Rubbing alcohol
But don’t leave them on for too long or use them to much because tooth paste and lemon are very accidie!

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I suggest for you to wash your face 3 times a day because your face gets really dirty easily.

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Always wash your face. If you can get your hands on jojoba oil or tea tree oil, they work like a charm! That trick always works for me. If you can’t find those, you can always use sweet almond oil. If you don’t know where to look for an of these, here is where I found them:

Jojoba oil- trader joe’s, gnc, local health food store
Sweet almond oil- gnc, local grocery store, local health food store
Tea tree oil- walgreens, cvs

If you find them, get a little travel size bottle fill it up halfway with jojoba oil. Then, pour in another forth of sweet almond oil. Next, put 1-2 drops of tea tree oil. It smells nasty but it works. If you can only find one or two, for ex you only find sweet almond oil and tea tree oil, but no jojoba oil, you can just fill a travel size bottle half way with the sweet almond oil and 1-2 drops of jojoba oil. If your parents say it is too expensive, or you just can’t find them, I would recommend Clear Pore by Nuetrogena. I used it when I had an aweful break out and it cleared it up fast. Hope this helps!

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