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How could I get rid of acne easily and fast?

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5 Answers

I don’t get acne really bad, but when i do break out i use the asprin trick. just crush an asprin tablet and add water and put it on the spots over night. it really brings them down over night. idk how it would work for full blown acne but its good for bumps.

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Take care of your skin by cleansing it and keeping it moisturized. You can’t necessarily get rid of acne really fast, it takes at least two weeks.

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Usually it takes a little while, but I’ve found ways that work, at least for me, to make the process a tiny bit faster.

See a dermatologist and ask for a prescription acne cream. Typical brands like Proactive didn’t work for me and even made it worse. Prescriptions are more reliable.

Wash your face every day with a very basic face wash. (By basic I mean you can use dove soap if you want. Just nothing with harsh chemicals or anything fancy.)

Last, drink water and don’t touch your face.

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My acne was terrible. I took Dianne 35 and in 4 months it was completely gone. It also helps with heavy periods.

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