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Do I have a high metabolism?

What is this little bit of fat on my lower abdomen?

I’m pretty skinny, but I do have a teeny bit of fat on my lower abdomen.. every other part of my body is pretty skinny. I’m not sure where that little bit of fat comes from.. I’m 14, is it because puberty?

I usually eat home-cooked meals, but every once in a while I’ll have some ice cream or a burger with some fries. But no matter how MUCH I eat.. I never seem to gain much weight. I’m 5’4 in height and I weigh about 102 pounds. Around Christmas time I ate a chocolate cake. A few days later I went out with a friend and cruised around places and during that day I drank a chocolate milkshake, ate Swedish pancakes, some fries, and a slushy. Before all that I was around 104 pounds.

Do I have a high metabolism or something?

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4 Answers

A female has a layer of fat beneath the skin that gives the girly figure. In your teen years the percent of body fat hits a low that you will never have again. If an adult woman’s body fat falls below 23% she starts having menstrual problems. If you get some exercise you will grow up normal. It would be good to read some books about nutrition so you will know how to eat right to prevent the fat from taking over too much.

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Yes, but you are only 14. So that’s pretty normal. Just wait until you get older in your 30s. Then everything changes.

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You just need to work out. That fat is what I call “pudge”. Just do some crunches or ab workouts and you’ll be fine

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Belly fat is completely normal for women. Since you are going through puberty, I wouldn’t worry much about it. As far as your metabolism, you are still growing and your body is using all of the calories and fat rather than storing it. However, I would start cutting back on all the junk food and milkshakes because as soon as you stop growing, your body will pack on the extra fat you are eating.

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