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What do you mean by a “healthy weight loss”?

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7 Answers

Divorcing your cheating partner is considered by many to be a healthy weight loss.

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You can lose a few pounds of weight quickly by taking laxatives, but that isn’t healthy, and it’s not a long term solution. You can lose weight fairly quickly by eating nothing, but you will lose muscle as well as fat, so that’s not healthy. A healthy weight loss would require about 1000 to 1200 calories a day with protein, vitamins and minerals.

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Nutritionists are always recommending 2-3 pounds of weight loss in 7 days. While in losing weight, if we follow these levels of weight reduction it would be the healthy weight loss.

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Healthy weight loss mean losing the weight by natural weight loss procedures, which do not cause adverse effects on the body. Weight loss by a procedure which cause long term effects or adverse effects is refered as unhealthy weight loss.

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A healthy weight loss can be gained through diet and exercise programs. Following a balanced diet that include all the essential nutrients and exercising on a regular basis can give amazing results! This does not mean you should cut down food. Cut down the amount of fat. Eat fruits and vegetables and take in lots of water. Homely food and raw foods are good source of nutrients. Check your weight every week and plan the diet accordingly.

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The healthiest way to lose weight is neither crash diets nor bursts of exercise. The body likes slow changes in terms of food and exercise. To lose weight, you need to get your body to use up these stores of fat. The most effective way to do this is to reduce the amount of calories you eat and increase your levels of activity. This is why experts talk about weight loss in terms of diet and exercise.

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A weight loss can be known as healthy only if it helps you loose extra calories not leaving you starving and weak at the end of the day. Also, it should not deprive you with any of the necessary nutrients for the body. Weight loss should always be accompanied with a healthy eating diet plan and the essential things. It should not even let you compromise with your taste and therefore, should be flexible.

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