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Where can i buy valtrex over the counter for genital herpes

I have genital herpes. My mom doesn’t know & i don’t want her to know because that would just be bad. So i need to get valtrex without my mom knowing or my doctor. money isn’t the problem just knowing where to get it is can anyone help me get it or tell me where to get it? I live in Chicago Illinois so if you could get it for me i can pay you exactly what you need to get it. But it could be easier if i could know where to buy valtrex online cheap. Please and thank you SO MUCH.

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5 Answers

Best Answer

You can buy cheap valtrex at H&B Pharmacy.
That’s the best online pharmacy, 24/7 support!

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Valtrax is a drug (remember that), all drugs have side effects even if they are not noticeable. Drugs are bad period! And of course your doctors isn’t going to educated you on a all natural herb such as Lysine, the medical community do not believe in natural herbs/vitamins. I’m here to tell you from personal experience that Lysine works. The one I use is by Quatum health (i’ve tried other brands but didn’t like the results), in addition to the Lysine, Olive leaf is amazing and compliments Lysine very well, the olive leaf I use is made by Solary, both can be purchased online or from your local health food store and cost about 20 bucks for both together!!! Do your research and try not to feed into everything the doc tell you about YOUR body!!! You’ll be just fine and you will beat this thing!

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Don’t be ashamed when you get Herpes from someone. It’s very common and easy to be infected with.

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Beware many online pharmacies sell substandard or under potent drugs or even fakes. A online store is much difficult to audit or trace, so miscreants abuse internet freedom. Please be careful.

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Do an online search for acyclovir. Its very similiar to valtrex, and costs a heck of a lot less. You have to take it twice a day, instead of once, but if you can remember to do that, you’ll save a LOT of money.

The normal dose for suppression on acyclovir is 400 mgs twice a day, so also think about getting the 800 mg pills and breaking them in half. You’ll save more in the long run.

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