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What is the best way to get a six pack?

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6 Answers

It is reverse crunches, toe touches on the ground, and planks look them up on youtube they work within a week.

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hypertrophy. reps of 8-12. Hypertrophy is making the muscle grow bigger, contrarily to strenght and endurance workouts. Plus lose weight.

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You already have one, you just need to trim down the the fat on top of it.

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Abdominal muscles remain unseen as a “six pack” until a person gets down to10 to 12 percent body fat.

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Of beer? Your local walmart. Jk.
100 sit-ups a day for 60 days. I know it sounds like alot but you will get great results.
also drinking healthy shakes. Pick out your favorite vegetable and if you want some fruit. Then for flavor add peanut butter, chocolate, vanilla extract, or anything you like for some extra flavor. The first ten days are hard but after that you’ll be fine doing 100.

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look up six pack short cuts on YouTube its amazing

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