My son hurt his cheek by running into the corner of my living room table it has a big lump and it’s bruised up but he’s not complaining that he’s in pain. he iced it a little. not sure if he’ll be okay or should I just make sure and take him to the hospital.
8 Answers
I would watch it for a little bit, if he starts acting funny or complaining more, then call his regular doctor and ask if you should bring him in.
You should watch it if it gets any worse. Ice it down to see if the swelling goes down. When it does bring him to the emergency room.
Just put ice on his check and if it gets any more swollen, take him to the doctor. Just keep him on ice and give him aspirin if it hurts.
If it starts swelling up or throbbing I think you should take him to the hospital. Try calming it down with some ice. That will help a bit.
If there is a ‘crater’ in his cheek (so the lump is going inwards) then definitely see a doctor but if it is a lump coming out of his face he should be fine, just wait a little while.
It depends on how bad it is. When I was really little I ran into a table and had to get stitches because it was bleeding so badly and it was really bad