im depressed as u see. what should I do? I don’t want to go back to my old ways. I get bullied and I just hate my life
13 Answers
Talk to a parent, a trusted friend, or a trusted teacher. Talk your problems out with somebody who you trust to talk to. Also, try to think only happy thoughts, and watch funny TV shows and movies (try to stay away from sad TV shows and movies) You could always talk with me if you need someone to talk to 🙂
Trust me, it isn’t worth it. I went through depression too, although I never cut I came close. Things get better. I’ve been there so believe me, I know things seem desperate right now but it gets easier, even if you don’t realize it. Find something that comforts you, like music. For me, I found playing guitar and listening to Nirvana really helped me, it’s different for everyone. If that doesn’t help, let someone know, they can help you.
Look up the nearest Crisis Center and heed the centers advice. You may have to go either to an out patient treatment center or an in patient hospital to more extensively treat you. I don’t know what county or city you live in, but look up the number on line or in the phone book. I am sorry to hear about your situation. An adult should be involved, but if that is not possible then still call the Crisis Center to help you. I hope you get help. Take real care.
I wish I could understand your situation, and I know I can never understand if I haven’t been through depression. I do know that when I’m feeling mildly depressed, being out in nature helps me so much. Just seeing the beauty of gods creation, or in a scientific manner if you aren’t Christian. Walk a beautiful trail, catch fireflies, bond with an animal, stand on the top of a mountain, go camping or canoeing. I’m not sure if this is something that refreshes the soul of everyone, but for me i feel most content with myself. When you enjoy your own company, and have time to think about you and only you, I think it helps to understand ourselves better, therefore opinions of others don’t matter quite as much.
look at the positives. don’t live in the past nor the future. live in the now. think about some one you love/like and heres a song by Jeremy camp “he knows”.
When you feel like cutting, there are a few things you can do. You can write what you’re feeling into a journal or diary, write poetry, cry, talk to someone, you can draw with a marker where you’d cut, go for a walk, or just whatever you can think of as an alternative. Cutting seems like it takes the edge off, but it usually just stays as a reminder of your struggles.
I know where you are coming from. Honestly just don’t start because it’s a vicious and destructive cycle. It becomes addicting so fast and even if it seems like it’s helping you, it’s not something you want to get caught up in because it’s so easy to go to far and end up in in explicable situations. Stay strong
I’m just gonna say that you look like a beautiful girl and you don’t need to cut. I had to deal with cutting for a while and therapy really does help.
The Bible says in Leviticus 19 verse 28 not to make any cousins on your skin or not to make any tattoos on your skin because it is an abomination to God who created you the way you are he loves you just the way you are you are special to him he knows the exact numbers of hairs on your head and nose every need that you have talk to him he gave his life for you and wrote you a love letter the Bible read the first four books of Matthew Mark Luke and John and read the book of Acts on how they acted read the entire Bible it is a love letter no greater love have a person for another than to lay down their life for them jesus gave His life for you and you alone can receive this by repenting of your sins and talking to him tell him your problems pray to him and let him know what your needs are who sticks closer than a brother he sticks closer than a friend remember your body is the temple of the living God God created you in His image did not destroy his image love yourself as others love you keep your head up high gird yourself and stand strong