She eats pizza,chicken nuggets etc and drinks fruit juice and diluted pop and only gets sweets if she eats her dinner or is good but she drinks like a fish and my sister says she hasn’t got diabetes.It can become very annoying when she’s hyperactive but as far as I know she doesn’t drink fizzy what could be causing this problem.
11 Answers
That’s totally normal for a young child. They need to expend some of that energy with active play. Take her to the park or back yard to play and enjoy herself and burn off some of that energy.
Pop, no matter how diluted, is full of sugar. So are most fruit juices. So do sweets. Sugar is a stimulant. If the child has an ADHD issue sugar just exacerbates that. Clearly the child isnt getting much nutrition either. Theres a good chance she has ADHD and packing her full of sugar certainly does her no good. The best thing to do is stop ALL sugar. That will do wonders. If she has ADHD tho you may not be able to do anything unless she gets diagnosed.
Three year olds are naturally very active. She shouldn’t be drinking pop at the age she is as it is full of caffeine and sugar (even if it is diluted). Get her off the fast food also – that will affect her energy levels as she’ll be full of beans then crash out hard when it wears out. Be careful with large quantities of fruit juice or cordial for the same reason.
No .. fuzzy pop is not the problem necessarily .. It’s the copious amounts of sugar (and perhaps even caffeine) in her diet that is the problem. Her behaviour could be directly related to whomever is in charge of her diet. If that is her mom .. then SHE is the one you need to talk to about that. A three year doesn’t exactly fix her own meals .. now does she.
Feeding a child such ‘crap’ will cause all kinds of troublesome issues…and diabetes is only one. She may not have it at this moment, but it is plausible she can develop it.
You can blame it on the foods she eats which are junk food. Pizza, chicken nuggets, fruit juices What wrong with feeding child nutritional foods? It seems they give this child anything to make happy,spending time with breakfast feeding some warm hot food and a glass of milk. Not all children at this age are hyper it’s what they digest that make them this way.
She is being a kid most little kids are this way. She is not an adult so she is not going to behave like one. I think you need to love her and your family member and stop trying to be her parent and enjoy her. Make cookies with her, read stories to her, take her on walks purpose to speak words that bring life over her and you see a change instead of being so nervous around her. Kids pick that up when people around them are nervous as you seem to be.