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Has it become all but impossible to get it up without Viagra or Cialis

Has it become all but impossible to get it up without Viagra or Cialis because you’ve gotten too used to the way women look and almost no woman turns you on anymore?

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7 Answers

Methinks thou misunderstands how these things work.

Viagra/Cialis don’t turn on the faucet. They just ensure that there’s enough pressure in the system when the time comes.

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Viagra is nature’s way to tell you to stop fucking.

Stop fucking. No one wants you. Stop it.


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How very sad for you, maybe you should try men.

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Erectile dysfunction can be a real problem for aging men.

There are ways to help this. Your doctor can recommend different natural ways to help if you don’t like drugs.

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If a woman only turns you on by how she looks, then neither she nor you are trying hard enough.

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Isn’t it just a waste for you because you never get anyone close enough for you to need those drugs?

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Getting it up is just another self control that can be learned within martial arts and then applied to life in general …

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