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When do I get my period?

I just turned 13 and i still don’t have my period. I have all the signs breast development, discharge and cramps I feel left out because all the other girls i’m my class have theirs.

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11 Answers

Honey it’s no picnic, but as you say you want to know it’s. like a surprise that sneaks up when you don’t expect it. Your really not missing out in anything but I guess the conversation you feel left out of. Many some girls might say your lucky not getting it. It doesn’t make you less of a girl entering womahood your body is preparing you for the right moment. Just make yourself a small package of pads with wipes and keep it in your locker for it may happen at school, then you be ready if it happens. I was a late bloomer it didn’t come until I was 13 which I considered late and didn’t realize until it was too late and cramps. So be patient with yourself the day before I got mind I had the taste for Hershey chocolate bar next day I got it. So every month like clock work that chocolate bar was my sign of getting it everytime as I had a taste for one. Take it easy on yourself it will come no one can tell you when it will come.

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Its random around that age theres no actual date when it starts

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It’s ok. It will come soon. Just let puberty do its job, and don’t listen to all the other girls. Just because they have their period doesn’t mean they’re perfect.

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Enjoy not having it while it lasts.

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It’s different for everyone some people get it when they’re 11 some when they’re 14

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lol you don’t want your period.

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I didn’t get mine until I was almost fourteen. (Two months until I was 14) yes, it’s embarrassing when it seems like everyone else gets their’s at 12.

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It’s OK. You might think everyone else has theirs because they have bigger boobs or something, but they don’t always. Sometimes the short, skinny, flat-chested girl has hers while the tall, perfect girls are still waiting

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I was going through the same thing when I was 13. It’s totally normal for puberty to progress that way, in fact it’s healthy. Don’t feel like you should have had your period just because your friends have. Everyone is different.

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It’ll come soon be ready for signs of it. I started mine at 10

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Usually At The Age 11-16 Girls Will Get Theyre Period, And It Doesnt Matter If Its Late Or Early. We Will All Eventually Have It No Matter What. Its Doesnt Make You a Different Person If You Have It Late. Just Enjoy Your Teenage-hood While It Lasts 😉

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