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What is the easiest way to quit smoking?

I’m only 13 and I have a problem with smoking, I need help.

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19 Answers

Go tell your parents or your school’s resource officer that you smoke and explain how you buy them. That aught to help. You’re a kid! I can’t imagine you’re deeply addicted yet. Just stop. Quit trying to act grown up.

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Green tea and healthy food can help you to quit smoking. Whenever you feel you need smoke drink some orange juice or grapes juice it will help you.or eat bananas.

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The easiest and most effective is just don’t put a cigarette in your mouth.

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Just throw them away, do it now before the habit really becomes ingrained in you. Like duck said “smell yourself” or have someone smell your hair if your a girl.

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The longer you smoke the harder its going to be. Your 13, Please do it now!

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Uhm , Maybe Just Dont Think About It And If Yuhr Friends Smoke Stay Away <3

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Tell your parents, and make an effort to stop smoking. Throw the cigarettes away, and don’t buy anymore.

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You are just 13…..should be simple; just quit.

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Smoke coffee instead… I’ve heard it helps.

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If you don’t want to go cold turky try e cigs or herbal cigs. If you’re going to go with the herbal cigs go with “nerdosh” or something like that. There great.

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Bite a toothpick 🙂
That’s how I do it 🙂
I never did smoke, hopefully never will.

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Try gargling with lemonade to quit smoking: really helpful

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You are too young to be smoking, stopping it as early as possible is the best thing to do. I guess with age of 13, it’s not very hard to stop smoking. Just think over the negative effects of smoking, have a self control and ask help from your parents.

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One thing that can help you is to gets God’s view on smoking. The Bible helps us to have the correct view of the matter when it says: “Do you not know that if you present yourselves to anyone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one you obey?” (Romans 6:16) When an individual’s thinking and actions are dominated by a craving for tobacco, he soon becomes a slave to a degrading practice. However, God, whose name is Jehovah, wants us to be free, not only from practices that harm our body but also from those that corrupt our spirit, that is, our dominant mental inclination. (Psalm 83:18; 2 Corinthians 7:1) Thus, as a person grows in appreciation and respect for Jehovah, he recognizes that Jehovah deserves his best and that he cannot give God his best while remaining enslaved to a lethal habit. That realization helps to give a person the will to resist hurtful desires.

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There is no easy way to quit smoking. Drinking tea and eating healthier will not get you to quit. Doing all these other quit smoking things won’t get you to quit. You have to quit yourself and it will definitely be hard.

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Do not give up! Others, who have been just as addicted to nicotine, have overcome the habit and so can you. However success depends almost wholly on your determination and will to stop. Without this determination, no anti-smoking remedy will succeed. There are aids available to bolster your will to quit. Whenever you feel a need for a cigarette, breathe deeply two or three times. Keep oral substitutes handy, such things like raisins, nuts and sunflower seeds, or eat carrot and celery sticks, or chew gum. Drink more fluids—wholesome drinks such as fruit or vegetable juices or just plain water. Also, arrange for a more balanced diet. Most important is the aid that God can give. One smoker prayed in the morning and at night for strength, and, after weakening and taking a smoke, he would pray to Jehovah in order to tell Him that he was sorry for what he had done. A friend asked him: “Isn’t the time that you really need God’s help the moment that you are reaching for a smoke?” When the man began praying at that moment, he gained the help to stop smoking! The same can be true of you!

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The best method is just to stop. Pills are dangerous and not needed. It’s uncomfortable for a few days but it really does get easier.

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13 and smoking? That is a no no. Please try to quit it as early as possible, get some help from your parents and I am sure they can help you. Have a strong self discipline and avoid it as possible as you can.

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Whenever you feel like smoking, find something else to do, maybe at some gum, or drink coffee (maybe you don’t like coffee considering you are 13). Another way is to throw your cigs away, and don’t buy anymore.

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