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What is the best way in which to help cope with …

What is the best way in which to help cope with the discomfort which can come from popping ears when flying? How to help children deal with this as first time flyers.

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4 Answers

I do not know what the best way is but I try the following: I rub my ears in order to make them get used to the pressure difference, I try to force a yawn or drink a lot of water. Hope this helps.

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Swallowing will help to relieve the pressure and yawning can also help. I have always heard that chewing gum on planes keeps your ears from being uncomfortable.

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Best way for kids over 3 is suck a hard candy. Yawning or holding your nose and blowing helps too cool.

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My sister has the same problem with planes but on one trip to see my relatives in Spain an air stewardess came to us with a solution. You may feel slightly stupid but my sister swears it works for her. You take 4 plastic cups and sum wet tissue or something similar. Put the wet tissue into two of the cups then place the empty cups inside of the cups with the wet tissue in them then place them over your ears as you take off and just before landing-but remember not to take them away from your ears until the cabin doors have opened due to the pressure. Hope it works for you.

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