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If antibiotics can’t kill an ear virus, what can?

I’m desperate and have been out of work for 8 weeks because of intense dizzy spells due to an ear virus. Is there anything that can fast track me on the way to health? I’m already eating everything packed with vitamin C and all I know to help ward it off. Help!

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8 Answers

Antibiotics won’t kill a virus.

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What does your doctor suggest? Maybe you need to see a specialist. ENT

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colloidal silver ear drops are what I use for ear infections and it works over night. All you need is pure silver, water and a battery. Google it.

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get a second opinion. this can be caused by other things than an infection

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Antibiotics do not kill viruses, they kill bacteria. It would be pointless to treat a viral infection with antibiotics. I would seek a second opinion.

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We learned about viruses. Vaccines are a weakened version of the virus. They train your body to destroy all viruses like this one. Antibiotics do nothing. Antibiotics work against bacteria. So, you need a vaccine, most likely, if it is a virus. Talk to your doctor about what vaccine to take and MAKE SURE SOMEONE WHO KNOWS HOW TO INJECT THE CORRECT WAY INJECTS THE VACCINE INTO YOUR SYSTEM OR THE DAMAGE COULD BE SERIOUS!!!!

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Have you had vestibular testing done? Have you had your blood tested? Have you had an MRI? Those things could be suggested if you go to another ENT and they should help you figure it out what tests they want from you based on your symptoms.

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They kill infection not virus.

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