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How can lower back pain be reduced?

I’m undergoing hell lot of lower back pain. I’m done with painkillers as they are not doing any good. Any way out?

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7 Answers

You do not have the right pain killers. Change Dr and get you the good sht!

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Physical therapy did wonders for my back pain. Also, lying in bed is the worst thing you can do. Walk as much as you can. And being overweight puts extra stress on your lower back so if you’re carrying some extra weight try to lose it. But physical therapy is your best bet to avoid surgery that may not even work.

I hurt my back when I was 19. I was told by a respected neurosurgeon I would need surgery by the time I was 25. I’m 48 now and have not had surgery yet and don’t plan on ever having it.

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Regular yoga and exercise give you big relief ….

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Drugs will just make the condition worse in the long run. You need a decent bed, good nutrition, exercise and there are supplements that can help the pain and rebuild things.

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Everything the above anonymous said is true, except there are no supplements that rebuild damaged vertebrae and ruptured discs.

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Do abdominal movement is ok.

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If your back pain is that bad, I guess you should be going for back pain relief therapy. It can do a great deal of help. It is the best remedy to reduce back pain. Why do you have to suffer when you have a best way out before you?

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