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How can I stop regretting past situations I’ve been in?

I keep thinking of a perfect day, but when it ended I said something and made it awkward and I can’t stop thinking about it. how can I stop?

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5 Answers

I figured this out a while ago and keep telling myself this every time I think about the past: It’s in the past, there’s no changing it, it’s better to just stop thinking poorly about it. If I could go back in time and change it, I would create a paradox because once it’s changed there would be no reason for present Me to have gone back in the first place to change it, so therefore it’s best just to leave things the way they are, learn from them, and move on.

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life is a book yesterday’s. page is finished you can’t change it. do something. for tomorrow’s. page that you can be proud of

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Your judgment is only as good as your information whenever you do something.

When you remember the situation, just remind yourself you did the best you could under the circumstances of the time.

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Life is no perfection, so just let it go.

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The hand of time having written moves on!

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