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What causes bladder spasms in children?

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6 Answers

Your child’s bladder and kidneys could be the culprit. Infection is possibe, but so are other problems. I’m going to go ahead and embarass myself here and share something. During my first few years of childhood, until I was 6, I was a tinkler. It turned out that my bladder was not growing at a pace that was desirable for my age. I also had discomfort associated with holding int he urine and eliminating. There really wasn’t much that could be done, but pack some extra panties for the occasional dripping. Another possible cause could be a yeast infection, which children who have not begun menstruating can get. I think you’d be aware though, because she’d have other obvious symptoms. I’d continue taking the anitbiotics as instructed and if this does not resolve your child’s issue I would visit a specialist, which her pediatrician can reccomend.

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There are a number of different causes of bladder spasms in children. The cramping pain could be due to something as simple as your diet or a medication that you are taking, or it could be associated with changes in blood supply and function of the nerves controlling the bladder.

However, bladder spasms may be the result of an infection or a recent surgery, or they may occur if you have nerve or muscle damage. So it’s important to see a doctor to determine the cause.

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I have a diease call interstitial cystitis also know as pelvic floor disfunction. I have suffered with these tight pelvic spasms for yrs. No doctor will know you have it because it is in the bladder-or the bladder walls are thinning out. Only test that will show it is a cystostscope, i only know that because i was misdiognoised for yrs till i had a hyst. And he told me he saw that my bladder walls looked damaged and inflamed,see a urologist asap.A reg. Ped or gp doctor will not know much about it or what to do.

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Mimi here again-and no about of antibiotics will help if that is what it is. It is not an infection.

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There are lots of factors that cause bladder spasms. They are actually usual. They can be as a result of something so simple as your diet or medication. A bladder spasm usually seems like a cramping coming form your bladder area. Another excuse for bladder spasm may just be infection or possibly a recent surgery. It is crucial for ones doctor to look for the cause. It becomes better to seek medical help in case you have bladder spasms.

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urinary tract infection

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