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My moms blood sugar is 360 does she needs to go to ER?

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10 Answers

Spikes tend to happen if she’s ate a lot of sugar and or is stressing out. If it’s been stuck there for a while I’d then recommend the ER.
I’d suggest some exercise and water. Watch if her blood sugar drops then.
Make sure she washes her hands every time she tests too, makes a big difference.

But personally I have had blood sugar spikes like that and I hated everyone telling me to rush to the ER because it would cost me over a grand for the doc just to tell me “Oh drink some water, calm down and lay off sugar for a couple days”. I had a high blood sugar spike from a stressful birthday. So yeah a lot of sugar involved and a lot of stress.

But that’s just me, if you are too worried about it then visit the ER. I’d think if it sticks and doesn’t go down in a couple days then yeah, if she’s already on insulin then yeah ER is recommended.
I wouldn’t panic. my family comes from a LONG line of diabetes. My uncles blood sugar was 700 one time. No freaking joke.
He went to the doctor a few days later and the doctor told him his blood sugar was just fine. The doctor read like 120 from his test. So its possible if you maintain yourself you can lower your blood sugar and be just fine.

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Yes she does.

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Yes …
that’s way beyond acceptable limits

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Yes. Take her to the hospital A.S.A.P.

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Dollsoflove, take everyones advice& go to er or call an ambulance & try to remain calm,i hope your Mom is feeling better soon.

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when my mums is over 11 she needs medication so I would say yes 🙂

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Is she having symptoms and what does she usually run?

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ASAP GO NOW now hurry

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As a diabetic, if my numbers went up that high, I’d call my doctor and see what he thought. Now if it went up to 500 or 600, or higher and the doctors office wasn’t opened, I’d go to the ER.

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