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Cause of head injury

Can a head injury be a the result of 2 H S gym students bumping into each other?

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4 Answers

You’d have to be at an out right sprint heading straight at a block wall. That would pop blood vessels in your noggin and give you nasty whip lash in your neck, but that is about the only thing that would cause it.

If you do that it is on purpose and that means you lose.

Professional boxers get racked up all the time, cause they didn’t get tough enough to stand that much abuse. Just bumping in to some body else ain’t gonna bruise much more than your ego.

That is easy to get over.

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It all about the force involved.

My connotation of your question leads me to answer negatively.

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You’d be surprised how damn easy it is to get a head injury, given the right set of circumstances. It doesn’t take that much force, really. Concussions are fairly easy to get and quite common.

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Yes, basketball players can be knocked out by an elbow to the head, for example. Even a mild collision or tripping can result in a head hitting the floor or a wall. If your child complains of headache and nausea or vomiting, or the eyes don’t match, or speech is slurred, you should seek an emergency room. Bleeding in the brain can be fatal.

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