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Best antifungal and dandruff shampoo?

I have been using Head & Shoulders for dandruff treatment a while now, but I still can’t get rid of dandruff, why is this?

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5 Answers

Nizoral hair care shampoo, it is better then Head & Shoulders.

It’s my experience.

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Nizoral shampoo is good.

Nizoral shampoo

The active ingredient (Ketoconazole) in it kills the fungal organism which causes the dandruff.

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Vet-Sect is a good anti-fungal shampoo. Contains natural terpineols, Oils of Lemon Grass and Cedarwood for antiseptic, disinfectant, miticidal, anti dandruff and larvicidal properties, with Residual Insect repellent activity.

Leave on for 5 mins then rinse off, I have recently been told not to blow dry, let the hair dry naturally.

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1. Use an oil treatment before you wash your hair. This helps to moisturise the scalp, relieving itch and flakes. You can use a range of oils for this, but I prefer Lavender oil and Jojoba oil.

2. Try a range of anti-dandruff shampoos. I say “try a range” because, like many things, what might work for one person won’t for another. You might find you have to use one regularly, but as the issues alleviate, you can use it less and less.

3 best dandruff shampoos from my point of view:

  1. Head & Shoulders shampoo
  2. Selsun Bue shampoo
  3. Avalon Organics shampoo

3. Eat “moisturising” foods What we eat can have an effect on our health. To keep your skin healthy, it’s advised to eat a healthy diet. If you want to eat more moisturising foods, be aware of your diet and eat more omega-3 and omega-6 foods. I learned this from a great book called “The healthy skin diet”.

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Healthy Hair Plus Antifungal Shampoo – natural anti fungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory shampoo. Helps to kill bacteria and fungus, soothes the scalp while helping treat inflammation, scalp bumps, scalp acne and scalp psoriasis.

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